Oso Eco Philosophy

  • Holistic Design

    We take into account the complete picture of the site assessing both water demand and supply before designing a solution that appropriate for the site and client needs.

  • Slow It, Spread It, Sink It

    Oso Eco seeks to slow water down, spread it out over the landscape and sink it into the ground on every project.

  • Decentralized

    Oso Eco believes in the value and safety of decentralized, redundant systems. This means many small and frequent measures on a landscape are prioritized over one larger feature

  • Appropriate Technology

    Oso Eco believes in the value of simple, passive, low energy use technology such as gravity fed water systems and passive solar design for homes and greenhouses.

  • Leverage Natural Processes

    We are parts of larger complex systems in the landscape and by applying pressure on specific points we can impact the larger system. Oso Eco consiously leverages natural processes of plant succession and ecosystem development by cultivating micro and macro biological processes.

  • Watershed Scale

    Oso Eco works at a watershed scale. All land on earth is located in an interconnected system of water and life driven by the water cycle.

  • Community

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